I just wanted to drop you a quick line and let you know how happy we are with using GeoSnapShot as our online photo gallery.

Knox engages its own photographers to take photos at a number of school events such as musical performances, sport and presentation days. The photos are then made available to parents via GeoSnapShot.

As a school, privacy is important so we password protect all the albums and then make the passwords available via the school’s portal (intranet) which is accessible to students and parents via individual login. We then promote the availability of new photos via our school newsletter and Skoolbag app, driving people to the portal for the passwords.

We like the ease of creating events and albums while the ability to see sales and which photos are selling is great. We tried a few different price points and $4.95 per download seems to be working well.

Additionally, Knox recently hosted the Australian Pipe Band National Championships which is an open event and our student Tech Crew were the event photographers. The boys enjoyed the photography and are very excited to see the sales.

Thank you again for getting us started.

Kind regards,

Janet Naylon

Publications Manager | Knox Grammar School
